Thursday, February 10, 2011

❏This vs That ❐: ✎Wether vs. Weather vs. Whether

Welcome to Thursday's

Gosh, that seems like a mouthful!  Wether, weather, whether.. cripes! - and they all even sound the same!

Of course, even though they all sound the same, they have totally different meanings.  The trick is to spell the appropriate one accordingly.  I've seen them being misused many times.

Weather is usually a noun:

How's the weather?
The weather is always great this time of year
What's the weather like in Spain?
Weather is also a verb that means "to be affected by the weather":
That house is really weathered
Figuratively, weather means "to get/live through":

I know we can weather this crisis
Unlike weather, the term whether is not an noun or verb, but rather is a conjunction, which joins two words or phrases together.
Whether introduces possibilities or alternatives:
Do you know whether he is coming?

You'll do it whether you like it or not.
Whether you win or lose, you'll have done your best


Darn! Unless you're a farmer or spend a great deal with animals, no-one really uses this word too often - wether is just a a male sheep or goat that has been castrated before becoming sexually mature.

So, in conclusion...
The words weather and whether are pronounced identically, hence the confusion in spelling. Just remember that whether is more or less interchangeable with "if," while weather indicates the temperature and atmospheric conditions.


Today's Grammar Blooper:

Can you spot the error?

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