1. Sneak Up Behind Him
Blow his mind with this sneaky move: Stand behind him and stroke his penis. This positions your palm flat against his member's sensitive underside, the same way he grips it when he masturbates. Then do a few things he can't do himself, like whisper in his ear or kiss his back.
...kissing his back heading right on down along the spine then kissing the cheeks of his butt....yes, I have to agree with them also on this one! Men seem to love this!!
2. Get Naked

... there's probably a good reason
why they've never feasted their eyes for more than a few seconds. Most 'normal'
women, by nature, are a bit shy and conscious about the way they look so this is
all 'fine and dandy' if you got a body to die for, otherwise, i think i'd stick
to the 'few seconds' rule. Besides, too much of a good thing isn't always a
good thing...
3. Let Him Be an
Initiate a primal move that fuels his
frisky craving. Give him an animalistic challenge by having standing sex.
(...you know the one - featured on
every sex position books and articles..) Let him hold you up against the wall
with your legs wrapped around his lower back. He'll be in the aggressor role
since he's holding you up with his arms and lower bod, and he also gets the
visual thrill of watching your breasts bounce during the act.
... this would be great if you have
silicone boobs, weigh under a 100 lbs and your man is built like 'king kong'
(and I don't mean just strength-wise either)...
4. Break Out the
Once you have him going crazy not
knowing where your next lick, kiss, or stroke will land, treat your blindfolded
boy to a slew of new sensations. Three to try: the feel of your hair, silk
panties, or a string of pearls rubbed gently against his
... I don't really know what this
blindfold crap is all about - maybe for the young ones, but for us more 'mature'
ones... i don't know.. next!
5. Climb on

Steam up your bathroom mirror by
standing thisclose together in the shower. Add the water pouring over you, and
this is a perfect position for lots of wet, passionate kissing. You can also
gaze into each other's eyes, further boosting the intimacy
.... gaze into each other's
eyes???.. screw that! There's ALOT more interesting things to do in the shower
when you're both that slippery and wet!
A guy's prostate — the walnut-size
gland under his bladder — is the ultimate magic button to push if you want to
blow his mind in bed. To tantalize it, partway through oral sex or intercourse,
rest two fingers against the swath of skin between his testicles and anus.
.... yes, this is a great little
secret to know to drive a man crazy! And you shouldn't just stop at there - A
more intense form of stimulation is to place a finger in his anus. First, gauge
his interest by rubbing his rear softly with your finger while in a missionary
or side-by-side position. Then slowly and gently insert your finger into his
anus (a little bit of oil wouldn't hurt any), eventually going faster, slower,
firmer - experiment to see what he likes!
8. Give Him a New
No doubt, you're intimately acquainted
with 69. Now may we introduce you to 77? The number refers to the way you and
your partner's bodies look when they meld together in this side-entry position.
The unique angling practically guides his, uh, missile to your
.... and what's this #77 position
you say? :
"To reach numeric nirvana, lie on your
side with your guy behind you so that you're both facing the same direction.
Wrap your legs around his top leg and pull him close, pushing your butt toward
him as he enters you. Once he's inside, straighten your legs in tandem with his
so they're tightly sandwiched together, toes pointed. Stay connected as you
simultaneously bend at your waists, while extending your legs at a 45-degree
angle away from your bodies. "Folding over and assuming the 77 in this maneuver
changes the angle of penetration, creating a direct penile pathway to the front
vaginal wall where your G-spot is located."
Steam things up at home by moving
outside the bedroom and doing it on top of a sturdy table, kitchen counter,
bathroom sink, or hood of a car that's parked in your garage.
.... at the park - late at night,
in an elevator - where there are no cameras... use your imagination for god's
sake! This is a 'no-brainer' since everyone knows after awhile, the bedroom
becomes a 'safe' place to have sex instead of a 'great' place.
Take oral sex to a whole new level by
caressing his butt cheeks as you're going down on him. Double his pleasure with
the synchronized motions that let you control the pacing
.... ok, here we go again with the
men's ass thing. Women, you must know by now that a man love's his ass to be
poked, prod, rubbed... whatever. This doesn't mean he's gay or anything... he
just loves it! So go ahead - stroke and poke!
My urologist performed "Trick" # 7 on me and I didn't like it !...
ReplyDeleteMy urologist performed "Trick" # 7 on me and I didn't like it !...
ReplyDeletehahaha.. oh Alexander, you are so funny! I guess it was not a female urologist! hahahaha...