Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Rules For Cubicle Dwellers

Working in a cubicle is like being stuck in an elevator, writes cubicle dweller James Thompson, author of The Cubicle Survival Guide, an advice book for the millions of North Americans trapped in office culture. "You have to assess the situation, assess the people you are with," he says. "You might not like the state of the affairs but given the reality, you must not only learn to like, but to trust the people you are with."

Among the top things to master is phone etiquette. "Don't think your colleagues aren't paying attention to your phone conversation, they are." To this end, never whisper, says Thompson, who works at a TV staion in Washington. "Just as speaking a foreign language for an extended duration makes others speculate as to what is being discussed, nothing creates an aura of gossip more than whispering.


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